Saturday, February 18, 2012

Supreme 90 Day Review

So, I just completed Supreme 90 Day System, sort of...
As I may have shared with you, Supreme 90 Day is set up with three weeks of workouts followed by what I cann a "reset" week or what many people would call a "recovery" week. Followed by a different set of workouts the second month, etc. I have completed all three months worth of workouts, but have decided not to do the three "reset workouts over and over for the next two weeks.
Here is my review of Supreme 90 Day for anyone who cares to read it. First things first - I Loved S90D. I am stronger and have incredible endurance thanks to this program. The circuit training and interval cardio really burned a lot of calories and packed a lot of workout into a short amount of time.
I purchased my set of S90D from Bed Bath & Beyond for $9.99 and this may have been the best ten bucks I ever spent. I was looking for P90X for CHRISTmas and found out that I had put my request out there a little late, so... There I was wandering around BB&B a little sad and dejected when lo and behold, there it was: a program that claimed to use muscle confusion and offer the opportunity to get Ripped in 90 Days. After a few minuted I decided that ten bucks was not a waste of money even if it sucked.
The following day I started and put in the Chest & Back video. This video is short but effective. Basically all of the DVDs have the same 4 miunute warm-up and 6 minute cooldown, and this video had 22 minutes of pushing and pulling which includes a couple of minutes worth of ab circuit at the beginning of all of the strength videos.
Program Design: There are 5 strength DVDs. These include Chest & Back, Shoulders & Arms, Legs, Chest Shoulders & Tris, and Back & Bis. There are also Two Cardio videos Cardio Challenge and Tabata Inferno (which requires 20 seconds on followed by 10 seconds of rest in 4 minute circuits for over 30 minutes of intense fat burning - well worth the ten bucks by itself). There are also a Ball/Core workout, a Core Dynamics video, and a Total Body workout.
During the first month you do the Chest & Back video, the Shoulders & Arms video, along with the Ultimate Ball, Cardio Challenge, Legs and Tabata. You do this three weeks in a row, followed by a "reset" week during which you do Total Body, Core, Cadrio, repeat. The following moonth you replace the forst two with CST and Back & Bis and continue with all of the other videos. The order changes and so does the rest day. Repeat the reset week and month three follows a similar schedule to month 1.
My results: I actually stuck with something for multiple months in a row. I am back down to my lowest weigh ever as a healthy adult. I have weighed less than this but only beacuse I was living a lifestyle that was destroying me and I was close to death. I lost all of my Thanksgiving and CHRISTmas weight. I am stronger and have more endurance and I am ready for my next challenge. Bring on P90X

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