Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 1 - P90X

Started today with Chest & Back. What a workout! Did Ab Ripper X first and did all of the reps for each exercise. It took me 23 minutes (ARX is 16 minutes long). Did 10+ reps for each push-up exercise and really Brought It! I did over 120 pushups - real ones, not a single one from my knees!
Yesterday I went to Vitamin Shoppe and get a few more supplements. I bought some waxy maize for post-workout and put it in a protein shake. Also tried creatine for pre- and post-workout. They gave me a couple of pre-workout samples and I tried Jack3d. Definitely felt like I pushed myself harder today but not sure if it was because I was so excited about P90X or if it was the pre-workout. Not sure if I like them, I'm still on the fence. Would be nice if they brought energy during the workout and went away after. Keep pushing play!

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