Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 4 - P90X

Had trouble with Yoga X this morning. I love yoga but I haven't done any in quite a while - at least not much. Made it through the first 30 minutes a d did my own cooldown and corpse pose. Actually tried to do more than the 30 minutes but after the first extended angle pose and they started to reach under their legs for bound-angle pose I stopped. I think the length is intimidating. I'm used to doing yoga for 30-60 minutes (I even have some podcasts that are called 20 minute yoga downloads) but to be this worn out and still have an hour left was difficult. Wondering about "Fountain of Youth.". I could just do some other yoga that I have but I want the next 90 days to be all Beachbody. Well next week I will make it through the asanas, then maybe through the stretching. Hopefully, by the recovery week I can make it through the entire thing. Today I will forget the rest.

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