Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 3 - P90X

Whew - what a good workout. Did Shoulders & Arms + Ab Ripper X this morning. ARX was a little harder today than Monday. It took me 26 minutes to do all of the moves. Still doing in and outs instead of crunchy frog and haven't lifted my legs for Mason Twists yet. I figure I will finish this week and lift next week as I work up to the whole thing. Doing ARX first is a great idea. At the beginning of the video Tony Horton says, "Ab Ripper X - I hate it, but I love it!" I think I still hate it. I think that I dread this one more than any of the others. Sharms was good. I did several moves with low weights, some as low as 5 lbs - especially the shoulder moves towards the end. Tomorrow is Yoga X - I hear so much complaining against it. I have done the asanas and I love Yoga so I should be ok. My only concern is the length - over 90 minutes - Yikes! But I will do my best and forget the rest. Word for the day is WOW!

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