Saturday, February 25, 2012

One Week

"It's been one week since you looked at me..." What a catchy tune. The rest of the song has nothing to do with what I am thinking but that first line is such a hook.
So... I've been doing P90X for one week and I've brought it everyday except Yoga day. For some reason that I cannot explain - even though I LOVE to do yoga - I am intimidated by the length and the extremity of that particular DVD. I have done similar power yoga in heated rooms where the temperature and humidity are purposely raised to 95 degrees and similar humidity. I have done Bob Harper's Yoga for the Warrior From the Inside Out Series (check it out here: I have done Rodney Yee Power Yoga. But I have never been intimidated by a Yoga class or workout until now.
Over all I has been a great week - I worked out everyday and even added an additional workout yesterday when I did Cardio X later in the day. I can feel my muscles rebuilding themselves and I can feel my clothes fitting better already. I have decided to wait until after my first recovery week to weigh and check my Body Fat Percentage (BF%). So the only results that I will be able to measure is how hard I bring it, what my heart rate range is, calories burned and mastery of the moves.
Ab Ripper X - Improvements needed/goals for next week: Goal 1- Make it through both sets of bicycles before I pause the video. Goal 2 - begin doing crunchy-frog instead of another set of in-and-outs. Goal 3 - Make it to 15 reps of every exercise before pausing (I currently pause after 10 on several of them). Goal 4 - Begin to lift legs during Mason Twists
Yoga X - Goal this week - Complete the asanas, which take 45 minutes and then skip to the cool-down and relax. I can do this this workout will NOT get the best of me. I am half-tempted to replace Yoga X with Yoga For the Warrior but I want the next 90 days to be all Beachbody. Maybe if I have some extra $$ - ha! What is that? - I will buy Fountain of Youth from the one-on-one series. Currently any extra $$ I do have goes towards supplements. I am using 2 servings of protein each day, plus waxy maize to make a recovery drink (I actually probably have enough to last until almost the very end of my program since I only use it 5 times per week and there are 50 servings - not sure if I will use it at all during recovery weeks). And I am cyclying Creatine right now for the first two months. Once I complete the loading cycle it shouldn't be much more than $15/month. But add to that $50 for protein and $30 for protein bars, plus I want a Pre-Workout ( I am enjoying my sample), it sure does add up.
Been a REALLY good week for nutrition. I have stuck to my nutrition plan 100%. The end of the week tracking at myfitnesspal shows that I have maintained the 50/30/20 ratio for the fat shredder plan.

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