Friday, July 8, 2011

Running in the clouds

This morning I was glad to see that it was pretty cool outside before I left for my run. You see I run at 5 O'Clock in the morning and even that early it can be a little warm in early July in Mid-Missouri. But the famous saying 'round these parts is: (If you're from the Midwest you can join in, if you want) "It's not the heat - it's the humidity!" On my iPhone Weather Channel App I saw that it was 100% humidity. I looked at the radar and it was not supposed to rain, so I ventured out. Running has become my haven, my escape, so I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. I turned on the MapMyRun App to track my route and distance and the Bridge to 10K app to tell me when to run and when to walk. I then selected my favorite running playlist, which is made up of relaxing , distracting music like they would play for a yoga session or a massage. this music allows my to escaoe my thoughts, and focus on being me and on running. When the running is too much I can escape into my mind. When my mind is too much, I can escape into my running.
A block down the road my senses had come alive as I could actually feel the water droplets against my skin. Feeling the dew or fog all around me made me think of coulds. I felt like I was running in a cloud and it was one of the best feelings that I can remember.
Of course, by the end of the run all of my clothes were completely soaked and there was sweat running down my arms. Today I ran farther than ever before - 5.60 miles. When I told my daughter that I had run that far she accused me of adding the last zero just to make it sound farther. It does sound far - five point six zero miles. That just seems far!
They say that above 70% humidity sweat does not evaporate and short-circuits the body's cooling system. All that meant for me to day was that I burnt a few more calories and running in that could made it all worth while!
See you next time! Happy Running!

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