Saturday, July 2, 2011

July 2 - 6 weeks out from the Tiger Tri

Well, here I am six weeks from my first triathlon. This morning I decided to try to stack two events back-to-back. I cycled 11 miles and then attempted to run. I am still trying to put together a routine that encourages endurance and growth. I stretched my inner thighs a little too much Thursday and found that I did not have what it takes at this moment to run the 5K after completing the bike ride. I will rest and then head to the pool to get my swim on. I think I will reexamine the training regimine that I have established. I am intending to run three mornings and cycle two mornings during the week. I can only swim on Saturdays. I have 5 Saturdays left to swim, cycle and run. This may just be more work than I thought when I signed up for this.


  1. Ah, I love it! I used to run.. Maybe I'll look into the c25k. Is this a program easily found on the Internet? Thanks Nephew! The aunt.

  2. Yeah I found several sites that allow you to print off the plan. But, if you're gonna run outside you should either try to find some podcasts on iTunes that play the music for you or get an app for your iPod/Phone. I have both C25K and B210K apps on my phone. I can listen to my own music and it tells me when to run and when ti walk. I can post a few links if you want me to.

  3. Rob,

    You've made great progress on your journey! Is it a weird coincidence that I also ran my first 5K last fall?! When I was younger, every time I built up to run one mile, I hurt my back and required a chiropractor. I was training this year for a triathalon for the day after school got out. It was the same distances as yours. I ended up leaving school two weeks early to check on Steve, so I didn't do the triathalon. (He's doing ok - and now here in Chicago for a 5-day visit,)

    My 5K was the traditional Army base Turkey Trot, on Thanksgiving morning. I ran with a kind, encouraging friend, who is 5'0" tall and runs really slowly. We came in last - which was a great story to tell my elementary students.

    5K still scares me - I ran it once since then with Becky. I like the idea of running for 10 minutes then walking for one. Can you send me the websites for the iPod apps?

    My friend in Korea trains with a heartrate monitor, and walks when her heartrate is "too high to be productive" which turns out to be about every ten minutes. And she ran a half-marathon!

    I don't know that this counts as another weird coincidence, but I, too, have a BSO! It was my only vehicle for my first two years in Korea, pimped out with saddlebags. I paid $90 for the bike, and $45 for the saddlebags :)

    Blessings on your journey, Rob!
