Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bridge 2 10K

After Couch to 5K came the next step in my journey - The Bridge to 10K. Picking up where C25K left off, B210K starts with 4 ten minute runs separated by one minute walks. The program takes six weeks to increase that to running 60 minutes without stopping. I also completed this on the treadmill at the gym. I recently started over and am finding the unencumbered joy of running outside and truly enjoy hitting the streets of my town and the country roads in my area at 5 in the morning. Watching the sun rise and hearing the birds chirping has become something that makes the fact that I am sweating and pushing myself easier to take. Running is not the torture that I once thought it was. There is actually something freeing and independent involved with it. I can't believe that I actually enjoy running or that I can actually do it.

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