Saturday, August 13, 2011

Today was the day...

I am not defeated but I am not ready. Today was going to be the day that I participated in my first Sprint Triathlon. However, I wasn't ready. I have had a lot going on in my personal life. I am leaving my job, moving out of my house, and moving my family into my in-laws' basement as we examine the next step. I am learning what it means to be patient and how to handle not having the answers. This has led me to resort to my old stand-by: comfort food. Although my meals have remanined relatively healthy, my portionb sizes and snacks have escalated through the roof. I feel like I have made peace with the future by not looking too far forward and not expecting anything. By doing this I have taken back control of my life by letting go. Today, this is where I am.
Financially we are needing all of our money to make our steps come true and the triathlon would have cost $65 plus gas and a meal out plus some sort of lower body covering that would not hold too much water. I figure it would have been over $100. There will come a time for me to complete this type of event but today was not the day.
On another note I ran the longest distance of my life yesterday. My pace was relatively slow at 12:46 but I ran 6.70 miles. It took me almost 90 minutes. I felt great. My pastor, who is also a runner, told me that after 5 miles, "It's just adding miles." Meaning that 5 is the hurdle, after that it's easy. He said that I should be able to run 10 miles if I can run 6.
So, this morning I did a kettlebell workout and followed it with a short run. My oldest daughter is on the volleyball team here at the High School. As part of their workouts they run what is commonly called "The Circuit." The Circuit is a 2-mile distance that leaves from the High School track/football field, runs up and down several hills through the middle of town and edns back at the weight room at the High School. The other day she mentioned that she was able to run the whole thing without stopping, and was excited to finish in just under 20 minutes. I decided to dee where I am. after my kettlebell workout, I ran the Circuit in 23:23 with a pace of 11:31. This is a pretty good pace for me. I'm not sure how fast the other girls on the VB team run it, but - for me - to be only a couple of minutes behind my super-fit daughter makes me feel incredible!
Well next week is upon me - This wek has me doing the Cardio and Strength workouts from the Inside Out Method twice each, then Yoga for the Warrior - which I love. I am getting stringer and I can tell! We'll see where this whole topsy turvy thing ends up. All I know is that if I keep running and stay focused I'll be ok. Stay loose and Happy Running!

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