Monday, September 5, 2011

Training Camp

So... Here we go. I'm working out of town for about a month and taking the time to work on muself. I am trying to look at it like training camp. I am all by myself 750 miles from home. I brought my workout videos, my weights, my kettlebells and my yoga mat. I have designed a schedule that allows my to build muscle, strength, endurance, and get lean. The training regimine starts today.
The plan is like this: every weekday morning starts with a workout video, followed by either a run or a bicycle ride. Everyday will include some sort of yoga. Progressively, I will be adding miles to my running. Saturday will include longer runs but without the workout video.
Friday I attended Yoga in the Park a couple of miles down the road. What an awesome class. There were, like, thirty people gathered around in a circle doing yoga under the early morning blue sky. I could hear the birds and feel the breeze. In complete contrast, I took a class last night at Core Power Yoga. This place has studios all around Colorado and other places around the country. This challenging class took place in a heated room that was heated to 85 degrees. Sweat was pouring off of me. There are also a couple of other studios that I want to check out. My hope is to learn more about my yoga practice and increase my endurance towards longer running and drop these stubborn few pounds. I am a certified personal fitness trainer and a sport yoga instructor but I want to look like it.

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