Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week 3 - Training Camp

It's so hot! Sweat is pouring off my face! The towel beneath me is soaked! There is sweat on my feet! It's 95 degrees in here - on purpose! 95 degrees! I am attending a Core Power class in Colorado Springs. This one is Power Yoga 2. High to low plank. Inhale - upward facing dog, Exhale - downward facing dog. Inhale. Exhale.
I have been here for two weeks. Training camp is well under way. I have been running, cycling, doing circuit workouts, and attending as many yoga classes as possible. I just signed up for a week of classes at Core Power. They have two studios in Colorado Springs and an iPhone app that tells me what classes are available at which location at what time and with which teacher. They offer a free week of classes and classes that get progressively more difficult. There's Core Power 1 at 85 degrees, there's CP1 Heated at 95 degrees. There's CP 1.5, CP 2 at 95 degrees. Then there's Hot Power Fusion at 100 degrees, and Hot Yoga 60 minute and 90 minutes at 105 degrees. Tonight I attended a class that is the exact opposite of these classes called Core Restore which was slow, unheated, and doesn't include muscle activation. We held our poses for 3-5 minutes. It was very, very relaxing and quite a complement to the flowing, heated class I had taken just before that.
For the Next week I am taking as many Core Power classes as I can. There is a class every morning at 6:00. Then picjking up with the running. I've worked up to where I will be running 5 miles each run day this week and 7 this up-coming Saturday. I've gotten to the point that I only want to run and do yoga. I don't want to pump iron, I don't like circuit training, or kettlebells. Just yoga and running. Remember - keep your head up, breathe deep, and keep running!

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