Saturday, September 15, 2012

Weigh, Whey, or Way?

It seems that we all go through a cycle. Let's see if you can identify yourself in this cycle: WEIGH: When we first get into fitness it's all about the scale. We weigh often. When we lose extra pounds we are elated. When we have a week when it doesn't show up on the scale we get upset. Everything revolves around the number we see every day or week or however often we step on it. WHEY: One day we read that we should ignore the number on the scale and focus on our nutrition. We read all that we can about supplements. We begin to drink a few extra protein shakes. It becomes about our macros - how much protein do we take in daily? Should I drink whey concentrate, or isolate, or the hydrolized? WAY: One day we realize that it is not a race to a date in the short future. We surrender, no to the scale, not to our protein intake, but to the process. We focus on form, we focus on the program, we focus on the way things are done. I am glad about each one of these steps, but I am truly excited to have reached the point where I workout becuase it makes me feel good. I drive myself to get better each time I do a particular workout. I push to get another couple of reps or to up my weights on this set. I am not in competition with anyone or with myself. It is not about how much weight I have lost or even how my clothes fit. Today - I like the way I feel knowing that I give my all to something and that I feel good when I am done. I can't imagine ever stopping following this new WAY of life.